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Old English Bulldog for sale

If you are looking for a versatile and independent dog, this breed is a good offer. See all sale ads below where you will find ready-to-sell dogs and puppies from private sellers or UK breeders. Expand the family today by clicking on an ad that meets your requirements in order to contact the seller.

If you need to get more knowledge about the breed, we have made a description that will provide plenty of information, before you decide whether Old English Bulldog is the dog breed for you.


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Old English Bulldog buying and selling

Do you have thoughts about acquiring an Old English Bulldog as your new family member at home? Here you have the opportunity to find the perfect Old English Bulldog for sale, here at We collect all sales ads within the breed here on the portal.

The dog is a wonderful and pleasant breed that is easy to deal with.

It falls under the category we call cozy dogs, as it is very balanced and incredibly confident. It will provide the people around it lots of love. The dog breed is known to be brave and some use the breed as a watchdog, because it is ready to act if there should be the slightest. In addition, it is a wonderful family dog.

Buy Old English Bulldog

Old English Bulldog can with its muscular physique, large head and short, wide snout well look a bit grim, and it also still has an occasional reputation for having an unpleasant creature. However, this is completely misunderstood, because the modern Old English Bulldog has a friendly and stable nature, making it both social and loyal. It can easily get along well with children and likes to take on the role of a family dog. It takes care of its people and will protect them if it finds it necessary, but if it is socialized and trained well from when it is a puppy, then it sees no reason to become aggressive. If you get a dog of this breed, you will have a friendly, loyal, guarded pet that is also playful and easily-adaptable. It is confident and headstrong, which gives an exciting, independent personality, but it can also provide challenges in training and requires experience from the owner. It is not a good beginner dog. It is characterized by being wide and very muscular. It is also characterized by the lat snout that we see in all bulldogs. It will be somewhere between 10 and 14 years.

Characteristics of the Old English Bulldog

The Old English Bulldog is usually a well-balanced and trusting dog that is friendly and loyal to its family. At the same time, it is known to be an extremely brave dog, and that is precisely why it can be suitable as a watchdog. In relation to being a family dog, it is stable, faithful and very protective of its family. It will do everything it can to take care of its people and make them proud and happy. An Old English Bulldog is at the same time a sensitive dog, which can get a little sad if it is reprimanded, which might make it ignore its owner for a while. So you have to train with a firm but loving tone. An Old English Bulldog is a very strong dog, both physically and mentally, so even though it is happy for the family's children, it can not walk alone with the youngest. The breed must be socialized and trained early and persistently to ensure a comfortable dog that is not unnecessarily suspicious of strangers or other animals. It may require some experience from the owner, as the dog can be very independent by nature and has a great self-confidence. It does not need large amounts of exercise in addition to a daily walk, but still has a playful gene, and would like to tumble around in the garden with some fun toys.


An Old English Bulldog is a medium-sized dog that grows between 40 and 50 cm tall and weighs between 22 and 38 kg. The females are usually smaller and lighter than the males. In many ways, an Old English Bulldog is reminiscent of the English bulldog in appearance, but it is taller and more sporty to look at. In addition, it also has a flat snout, but not as flat as its namesake, making it have fewer breathing problems. It has short, dense and smooth fur without an undercoat. It is available in all colors except merle, which is the only non-approved color according to the breed standard. The breed is equipped with a muscular, compact and very robust body, which also means that it does not look tall, but rather wide and almost square.


The Old English Bulldog, that we know today, actually has a rather short history even though the breed has been known all the way back in the 19th century. Back then, the dog was far more aggressive than it is today, and it was necessary because its main job was to fight bulls (hence the name bulldog). The bull was tied to a pole in the ground, and then it was the dog's job to overcome the bull and make it lie down, mainly by biting into the bull's soft and sensitive muzzle. The bull fought back by stabbing, kicking, biting and shaking the dog violently once it had bitten itself. The bulldog's flat snout and upturned jaw are results of this time, as they enabled it to bite into its opponent and still breathe during the attack. It was a bloody and barbaric sport that, however, really attracted many spectators and members of the better bourgeoisie were betting on the fights. Although the bull was a popular choice as an opponent of the bulldog, there were also similar fights with bears, horses, other dogs and the like. The first known bull and dog fight in England took place in 1209 and the fighting was not banned until 1835.

Although the fighting became illegal, it continued for several years to come, and there have been many hundreds of years where there has been reason to breed aggressive fighting dogs. It was probably around the 19th century that the breed we recognize as the old English bulldog was bred. Since the bulldog dogs were bred exclusively to participate in these fights, this meant that the population dropped drastically as fights no longer took place. Many of the breeds were close to extinction and the Old English Bulldog actually became completely extinct and was gone until the 1970s, when David Leavitt decided to reconstruct the breed, by organizing a carefully planned breeding program using Bullmastiff, English Bulldog, American bulldog and American Pit Bull Terrier. However, the focus was on recreating it with a milder and friendlier temperament and eliminating the aggression, and that was the start of what we know as the Old English Bulldog. The breeding has later moved out in several lines, and there is, among other things, a Leavitt Bulldog that sometimes claims to be a "cleaner" or more "real" Old English Bulldog, which is very difficult to prove. Old English Bulldog is not recognized in FCI and therefore not in many Kennel Clubs around the world

Fur care and hygiene 

The Old English Bulldog has a short coat that does not require much fur care. You should brush it with a soft brush a few times a week. That way you get the loose dog hair brushed off, especially in the periods when it sheds a lot, it is nice to have control over it. An Old English Bulldog has wrinkles and skin folds that should be checked regularly. By ensuring that they are clean and dry, you avoid irritation and infection, which can otherwise be easily caused by moisture and dirt. It may also need a little extra dental care, and you can advantageously give your dog bones and treats that are designed to help its dental hygiene. At the same time, it is beneficial to brush its teeth regularly. Like a few times a week. Last but not least, it is always a good idea to cut nails on your dog to ensure that they do not grow to an uncomfortable length.

Health and wellness

An Old English Bulldog may be at risk of developing various diseases and disorders. Something that you should especially pay attention to is hip joint dysplasia and elbow joint dysplasia, which are joint problems that can become very painful for the dog. With an old English Bulldog, you should also pay special attention to the eyes, as it can develop entropion (inward-closing eyelids), ectropion (outward-closing eyelids) and cherry eye, all conditions that can become unpleasant, if not decidedly painful for the dog. The shortened snout looks adorable, but you should be careful not to buy dogs that have an extremely short snout, as improper breeding to nurture the very short snouts has led to an unhealthy degree of brachycephalic syndrome (BOAS), which means a shortened skull. If the dog has been bred for the purpose of shortening the snout extremely, then the dog can have a lot of problems with breathing correctly. Therefore, always examine the breeder thoroughly before buying a dog. A sound breeder will have the dog's health as a top priority. It is important to have your dog checked regularly by a veterinarian. Also remember to get to know your puppy's movement patterns, energy level and mood very early, so you have a better chance of detecting irregularities.

Did you know that…

· Although the Old English Bulldog is not recognized as a breed in FCI and the Danish Kennel Club, the DKK decided to enter the breed in their X-register in 2020? This means that the breed, despite its lack of recognition in the FCI, can still get a DKK pedigree.

An Old English Bulldog appearance can be dangerous for it? It may well, to the untrained eye, look like the American Bulldog, which is illegal in many countries according to various dog laws. Let us take Denmark as an example again. When it comes to the Danish dog law, there is a so-called reverse burden of proof. This means that you as the owner of an Old English Bulldog must be able to prove that it is not illegal if the police ask. Therefore, it is extra important with this breed to have complete control of the pedigree, so you ensure that you can keep your beloved dog if someone should become skeptical of your Old English Bulldog. 

Old English Bulldog buying and selling

Do you have thoughts about acquiring an Old English Bulldog as your new family member at home? Here you have the opportunity to find the perfect Old English Bulldog for sale, here at We collect all sales ads within the breed here on the portal.

The dog is a wonderful and pleasant breed that is easy to deal with.

It falls under the category we call cozy dogs, as it is very balanced and incredibly confident. It will provide the people around it lots of love. The dog breed is known to be brave and some use the breed as a watchdog, because it is ready to act if there should be the slightest. In addition, it is a wonderful family dog.