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House cat for sale 

A cat is an absolutely brilliant pet. It is independent, full of personality and wonderful company, and it is no wonder that it is one of the most popular pets in the UK. Here with us you will find a huge selection of cats and kittens looking for a new, loving home. At there is space for both purebred cats and domestic cats, indoor cats and outdoor cats. So if you are looking for a cat, then you have come to the right place. Below you can see all current sales ads for the breed house cat. 


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The origin and history of the domestic cat

The house cat or domestic cat, as it is also called, has since the Iron Age, and is next to the dog, the favorite pet of the UK. Approx. 20% of Danish households are thus owners of a domestic cat.

There are probably many domestic cats in the UK today, but where does the domestic cat, as we know it, actually come from? The short answer: from the wildcat. But really, the answer is a bit more nuanced than that. Humans have kept and bred cats as pets for thousands of years. It started with the domestication of the African wildcat. Here it has long been thought to be possible to date the first domesticated cats back to Egypt, about 3,600 years ago. But new research suggests that it may even be even earlier, as DNA from cats has been found in burial sites that are up to 9,500 years old.

What characterizes the appearance of a domestic cat

A typical domestic cat is approx. 25 cm in shoulder height and 45 cm in body length. In addition, a tail of approx. 30 cm, which is absolutely crucial for the cat as it uses this as a balancing organ. An ordinary domestic cat typically weighs 4 to 5 kg, and like many other breeds, it also applies to the domestic cat that male cats are often slightly larger than female cats.

A breed with temperament and personality

The domestic cat generally has a friendly, charming and loving mind. However, it should be added that male cats can be a bit aggressive and combative. This is especially true if they are not neutered. If you choose to acquire a male cat, you should therefore be careful about letting the cat run free, as it can get into violent fights with other cats.

The difference between a domestic cat and, for example, a dog is that the cat is a far more independent creature, which can therefore to a greater extent tolerate being alone at home without company. This is because the dog is a herd animal, while cats typically hunt alone. If the choice is between a cat or a dog as a pet, it may therefore be a good idea to decide how many hours you and the family are away from home.

Worth knowing about a domestic cat's health and possible diseases

Domestic cats are generally very healthy cats and rarely have hereditary diseases or defects that, for example, many purebred cats have. The most common health problems for domestic cats are ticks, hairballs, ringworm and fleas. In rarer cases, there are also some cats that develop intestinal worms, diabetes or urinary tract problems. Domestic cats can on average be 12 to 14 years old, but can get much older. Here it is worth pointing out that the females are typically the ones who get older.

How to care for a domestic cat

Most domestic cats are not very demanding of care. However, long-haired domestic cats require a little fur care in the form of a brush a few times a week or as needed. In addition, you should regularly inspect the cat's nails and cut them if they are too long. The ears should also be checked regularly and cleaned of any dirt. When it comes to caring for a domestic cat, you should also examine the cat's teeth and gums regularly.

Which cat should I choose?

Today, there are up to 70 different cat breeds, depending on which cat organization you ask. It can therefore be difficult to find out which cat suits exactly your needs and everyday life. If the most important thing for you is to have a healthy and happy cat, then a completely normal domestic cat may well be the breed you should choose. Domestic cats are healthy and robust and do not have many hereditary diseases or defects that can often be seen in purebred cats. Therefore, an ordinary domestic cat is a good and safe choice - and not least, cheap. A domestic cat can be obtained at a low purchase price or even for free, while a purebred cat can cost several hundreds pounds and is typically also significantly more demanding of care.

If the choice has fallen on a domestic cat, then you should consider whether you want a long-haired or short-haired cat. A rule of thumb is that long-haired cats are typically calmer and gentler than short-haired ones. Of course, there may be discrepancies. On the other hand, long-haired cats require more fur care, so you need to be prepared for that if you choose one.

Finally, you should consider whether you should have a male cat or a female cat. Male cats that are not neutered are typically more territorial and aggressive than female cats. That is why the vast majority of domestic cat owners choose to have their male cat neutered.