Price: 100 GBP
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ME17 Leeds
Meet Doodle, currently residing in Reading
9 mths.
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Mixed-Breed Dog
Price: 100 GBP
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Meet Doodle, “Doodle is extremely playful and loves tuggy toys. She adores zoomies and loves her walks. She is an extremely affectionate dog and loves curling up for cuddles and belly tickles. She loves other dogs and wants to play with every dog she meets. She has done 2 puppy training courses and knows sit, down, stay, drop, watch me, this way, paw, high five, middle, spin round. She adores training. She would love scent work”
Doodle currently lives with young children but needs to learn boundaries. She can therefore share her home with children aged 12+ following slow and sensible introductions
Doodle currently lives in a pet free home but would benefit from another confident doggy in the home. She enjoys meeting and playing with other dogs when out on walks and at her training sessions
Doodle does not currently live with a cat and would therefore need a cat free home
Doodle accepts a collar, harness and lead. She adores her walks and walks well on a lead. She pull if she wants to get to another dog to play
Doodle is toilet trained but not crate trained. She is a typical puppy and chews anything lying around. She can be distracted from it though and will allow you to take any non food item from her mouth. She knows "drop" and releases things when told. She shows no signs of separation anxiety and has been left alone in the home with no issues for upto 4 hours. Doodle travels well in the car